Waiting on Wednesday {18}

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Expected Publication: February 16th 2013

I Dare You.
Look Over Your Shoulders.
Do You See Them?
They are behind you...
They are always behind you.

Abigail Cells had a nightmare the day before she met Gideon, the new guy in school who has every girl drooling just to be near him. In her nightmare, she was murdered by a magical creature. As she gets to know Gideon, she begins to remember pieces of her nightmare, and was shocked when Gideon turned out to be the creature from her nightmare. Who is Gideon really? Should Abby allow herself to fall completely for him, or is he the next disaster waiting to happen?

I'm not going to lie, the first thing I noticed about this was the cover and the gorgeous font the title is in. Then I focused on the other things about the cover: the bow and arrow, the tear stain on her cheek, the explosion in the background, and how creepy are those blood stained hand prints on her dress?

Not too mention that it actually sounds really good and I don't have to wait too long for its release which is double awesome! 

What do you think? Link me to your WOW posts in the comments below and I'll stop on over to return the favour!


  1. Someone told me to look into this one and you're right it sounds fantastic!, great pick :).

    My WoW

  2. ohh I am waiting on this one too! (: It sounds really good! Great pick hun! :D

    Haley @ YA-Aholic

  3. The covers is strikingly beautiful! Great pick :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. The cover is just so pretty. I really enjoy books with original covers.



Hey, you there, yes you ;)

Thanks for commenting! This is seriously awesome and I promise to try my hardest to get back to you, so do check back if you had a question or something to discuss!

Sadly, this is an award free blog. I really, really appreciate the thought and offer but with grade twelve and other activities as well as blogging, I don't really have all the spare time in the world. But thank you so much for the thought!

Seriously, though. Check back because I love to reply to comments ;)



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