Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle
Even though these two shows aren't actually aired in Australia, I watch them every Friday night (which is America's Friday morning) and I am insanely hooked. Vampire Dairies was renewed for a fourth season (with a cliff hanger like that I'd murder everyone if it wasn't!), but The Secret Circle was cancelled. Which sucked, because the last episode opened up an entirely new story line and was amazing. But there is a Twition going on and there's already 16k signatures the last time I checked so jump on board!
The Selection
Sadly, The Selection pilot was not picked up by the CW Network. However, according to someone (you can read the full thing here), there is still hope for a TV adaption and they plan to keep the female lead too.
Catching Fire
A new director was hired and a release date has been released: Francis Lawrence. He directed the heartbreaking movie I Am Legend (yes, it's an action flick, but Sam's scene has me getting sniffly every time!) and the other adaption, Water For Elephants. You can read about that here.
Beautiful Creatures
Man, it's hard to keep up with this movie as it's already started filming. MTV went behind-the-scenes which you can watch here and EW released a photo from the set here.
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Sadly, this is an award free blog. I really, really appreciate the thought and offer but with grade twelve and other activities as well as blogging, I don't really have all the spare time in the world. But thank you so much for the thought!
Seriously, though. Check back because I love to reply to comments ;)